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A simple, fuss-free food diary app for the busy, lazy and unsavvy

Frequently asked questions

How do I create a repeating/recurring food entry?

​If there is a food or drink that you regularly have at a certain time on certain days e.g. coffee between 6am – 9am, every weekday, you can quickly create similar repeating entries for up to three weeks ahead by creating just one entry of this food or drink first, then follow the steps shown below:

  • Create just one entry of the food or drink that you want repeated over the next one, two or three weeks, if it isn’t already logged in your current diary.

  • Tap and hold for about two seconds on the description of the food entry until check boxes appear beside it and select the check box of that entry. 

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  • Tap on the copy icon on the menu bar

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  • Select the day(s) you want this entry to be repeated e.g. Monday, Tuesday etc and for how long, e.g. next week only, next two weeks or next three weeks. Then hit the 'Create' button to confirm your changes. Your diary will automatically update to now include these recurring entries sorted by the latest entry date first. View steps to filter diary entries by dates

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How do I delete an entry?
  • Tap and hold for about two seconds on the description of the food entry until check boxes appear beside it then select the check box of the entry  that you want to delete.

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  • Tap on the bin icon on the menu bar and confirm ‘OK’ to delete. Tap on the ‘X’ icon to return to the main diary screen.

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How do I end or close off a diary?
  • On the main diary screen, click on the ellipsis located on the top right hand corner of the screen to open the menu bar and see the list of options, then select ‘Manage diaries’.

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  • Look for the diary that you want to close and tap on the image of the switch under 'Move to completed and closed' to enable this action. Then hit the ‘Update’ button at the bottom of the screen to confirm your changes. The screen will automatically refresh and the selected diary will now appear under the ‘Completed and closed diaries’ section.

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How do I reopen a completed or closed diary?
  • On the main diary screen, click on the ellipsis located on the top right hand corner of the screen to open the menu bar and see the list of options, then select ‘Manage diaries’.

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  • Look for the diary that you want to reopen under the ‘Completed and closed diaries’ section then tap on the image of the switch next to "Reopen this diary?” to enable this action. Hit the ‘Update’ button at the bottom screen to confirm your changes. The screen will automatically refresh and the previously closed or completed diary will now reappear under the ‘Active diaries’ section.

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How do I delete a diary?

​Please note that when you delete a diary, you will not be able to retrieve or reopen it again later. To just close off or end a diary but still have access to it at a later date, follow these steps to end or close off a diary:

  • On the main diary screen, click on the ellipsis located on the top right hand corner of the screen to open the menu bar and see the list of options, then select ‘Manage diaries’.

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  • Look for the diary that you want to delete under the ‘Completed and closed diaries’ section, then tap on the checkbox under ‘Delete’ to select this action. Then hit the ‘Update’ button to confirm your changes. The screen will automatically refresh and the previously closed or completed diary will now be removed from the ‘Manage diaries’ screen altogether.

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How do I edit/update an existing entry?
  • Tap on the pen icon of the entry that you want to edit or update. Enter your changes then hit 'Update' to confirm.

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How do I view only the entries on a specific date?
  • Tap on the calendar icon on the upper left hand corner of the screen to display a monthly calendar. Tap on the desired date and then select ‘OK’ to confirm. The diary will now refresh to show just the entries on the selected date. To return to the full diary listing, simply press the back button on your phone.

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How do I edit or change a nutrient?

​Please note that you can only edit nutrients that were manually entered i.e. through 'Type your own' and not those already supplied in the drop down list.

  • On the main diary screen, click on the ellipsis located on the top right hand corner of the screen to open the menu bar and see the list of options, then select ‘Manage diaries’.

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  • Look for the diary with the nutrients that you want to edit or update and tap on the ‘Edit nutrients’ link to navigate to the ‘Select nutrients’ screen.

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  • Tap on the pen icon of the nutrient that you want to edit or update and select the ‘Type your own’ option to enter your new changes. Then hit the ‘Next’ button to return to the main diary screen. Your changes will be automatically updated.

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Repeating entry
Delete entry
Close diary
Reopen diary
Delete diary
Edit entry
Date filter
Edit nutrient
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